Lawyer specialized in civil liability law
SONIA LOISELLE - LAWYER specializes in various areas of law, including:
- Real estate law
- Estate law
- Corporate law
- Civil liability law
Her greatest strengths:
- Availability
- Efficient and effective
- Thorough
She offers her services in the Greater Montreal area:
Montreal, North Shore, South Shore
Free and instant call back 514-903-7937
Make an appointment with SONIA LOISELLE - LAWYER to benefit from her expertise in civil liability law.
A wide range of expertise
Me Loiselle represents many individuals in civil liability, both in contractual and extra contractual liability. Every day, you engage your civil liability with others. You are responsible for your actions, your animals, your children, the maintenance of your buildings. If you are sued in civil liability, use our services to find the best solution for you. If you have suffered a personal injury, we can claim compensation for you.
Choose a trusted and experienced lawyer to represent you and defend your rights.
Do not hesitate to ask about your civil liability rights.
Your legal recourse in the event of a dispute
Speak to your lawyer if you are facing a dispute or litigation. She can assist you in matters of civil liability law. Hire her services in case you have had an accident, caused damage or are in dispute with your insurance corporation. She will inform you about your rights and find the best course of action. For those of you who are in Greater Montreal (Montreal, North Shore and South Shore), take full advantage of its advice and services.
We will find the best solution for you
Make your request for a quote via our contact form.
Follow the advice of a lawyer specialized in civil law. She will handle your case with the utmost diligence and efficiency.